My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Mainstreaming horror can be tricky. It can be so watered down that it fails to deliver any jumps or jolts. Moon Shadow by Reggie Ridgeway is what I would consider "mainstream" horror. I was fortunate to receive an advance copy, however, if you check my review history, I don't let that cloud my opinion.
I will say that there were moments when Mr. Ridgeway gave medical terms that required me to go to Google. I would suggest simplifying, but that is my greatest critique/complaint. The story delivers a nice pace and has enough subtle twists that keep you engaged. The central protagonists--Trevor and Jodie-- are likable and have a very "normal person" quality about them that makes them people the reader can relate to easily enough. There is a sleazy corporate suit and a deranged Special Forces member to act as the minor and major foil to our potential hero and heroine. There is even enough of an opening at the end to offer up more adventures by some of the characters.
Overall this is a good story that delivers enough action while introducing a bit of bio-horror to keep things moving and interesting. Kudos to Little Acorns Publishing and Mr. Ridgeway.
See you in the morning!
Thanks for the great review and editing Todd.