My rating: 4 of 5 stars
First admission, I have never read Lovecraft. I know that might seem blasphemous, but it just never came up on my radar. I have read Neil Gaiman, and I would place Mister Schriver's talents in league with Gaiman's. He shines in his ability to let dialogue propel a story. That is trickier than it may seem, but the talented writers do it with an effortless grace. The conversations reveal details without becoming narratives.
The story has a realistic but fantastic bent to it that makes me feel terrible for letting this book sit on my shelf as long as it did. For that, I apologize because Mr. Schiver can spin a heck of a story. Once you start, just know you will be busy for a while. The action scenes flow well and don't seem awkward or blocky. You have no problem visualizing the scenes that play out.
Credit is given to Patricia Russo with the edits and they are well earned. This is a clean read. Combine that with a pace that keeps you so entranced that you cant turn pages quick enough. I was sent a copy of this book by the author for review on the grounds that I give an honest one. In short...BUY THIS BOOK! I won't ask for another free copy from Mr. Schiver, I want to support him buy making purchases...that is the highest praise I can give. And if you wonder why I can heap this much praise and not give this a 5-star review, it is simply because I must now go read Lovecraft to see what the heck I have been missing.
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Thank you for your honest review. I am humbled by your praise and truly flattered to be compared to a writer of such ability as Neil Gaiman.