My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have been a fan of Janet Morris and her literary creation known as Tempus Thales longer than I can recall or she would like me to say. The re-workings being done in the realm of Sanctuary and The Sacred Band are nothing short of brilliant. This is a taste to whet your appetite and will have you scooping up The Fish the Fighters and the Song-Girl: Sacred Band of Stepsons: Sacred Band Tales 2 (Volume 2) before the screen fades on your Kindle.
What I enjoy most about these stories are the amazing depth. It is like Dr. Who in that somebody you meet in passing may just show up later to be of great importance and it will take you a few head scratches as you try to remember where this character seems familiar. The cast here is vast and requires the reader to do something that many have forgotten how: LET GO. This story (as with all the others in this glorious mythology) demands that you pay all your attention. The beauty is, you WANT to because it is so vivid and detailed. These are not simply characters, but PEOPLE. You come to know them and this is a tribute to the masterful writing of Ms. Morris because she will be given no leeway if she were to write anything that was against the nature of these people you come to know as a reader.
Todd, thank you so much. It's a wonderful feeling when a writer learns that the reader has the experience that was intended. Damn, you make me feel good....