Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Glass Coffin

The Glass CoffinThe Glass Coffin by Mark Scioneaux
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mark Scioneaux has some good stuff going on in this short story, The Glass Coffin. There is plenty of story crammed in to just a few pages. The chain reaction works as an explanation for how the zombie outbreak spreads from this central location. The action scenes are fast-paced, albeit just a bit generic in spots. Overall, the story is pretty good for a morning read on the elliptical.

On the other side of the coin, there were some things I did have just a bit of trouble with. For one,whether it was in formatting or the writer, there were paragraphs that went on forever. Also, the characterization was a bit over the top and generic. Too much time given to the heel of the story, more could have been done to make the wife sympathetic. There were a few spots (very few) where the editor dropped the ball on some fixes, but overall, it was fairly clean. I wanted to love the story, but the semi-generic quality that surfaced too often just made me like it...a lot, but it could have been better judging by some of what is offered here.

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