Z-Burbia by Jake Bible
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The first half of this book did nothing but annoy and frustrate me. It was almost like the writer was trying to re-create Michael Talbot. (And I never really drank that Kool-aid), with a bunch of wisecracks and humor. The situations often seemed forced and the "hero" gets saved in the nick of time. The idea of an HOA in the ZA? I just wasn't buying it. And the ending made me throw my hands up in frustration. I'd almost been convinced to try another in the series until then...but that just felt like the writer wanted to ensure he had a built in foil for the main protagonist in upcoming books.
Bullhorn/Wallstreet shouldn't have made it past the introduction. A bad guy that comes to your gates and threatens to kill everybody inside? And the people on the wall are armed? If he is that brash to be so stupid, he should not have survived this deep into the ZA, and if nobody on the wall would take the shot? After killing a group with men, women, and children earlier?
Overall, I say 2,5 stars, but round up to 3.
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