Friday, May 15, 2015

My new web page AND maybe even an action figure!

So, thanks to friend and avid Ava reader, I was introduced to Shawn Sampson & Co. He and his team are currently hard at work building my soon-to-be-released web page. It will be the hub and place to go for all things relating to my books and such. It is where I will hold exclusive contests, giveaways, and all sorts of groovy stuff.

That said, there will be a newsletter, and perhaps even a monthly video sitdown where I share things about my upcoming books. Heck, I might even read a few sample chapters! You will be able to subscribe to my newsletter (yes, it is free, you silly rabbit!), as well as get the jump on signed merch, special tee-shirts, and all sorts of stuff. It will be where I release my movie-style trailer for the DEAD series this coming October. NO, I did not say that DEAD was being made into a movie. I am having a professionally produced trailer made for the series. 

As far as the newsletter, I was thinking twice a month. Honestly, do you really have time for more than that? Also many of you may not know that @AuthorTWBrown is now the Twitter handle to follow in regards to things exclusive to me.

So, as Shawn nears completion on my site, I will keep you posted and announce things when it is ready for the unveiling. You can bet there will be prizes and such, so don't miss out. Also, it will be the main hub for the upcoming "Wanna See Something Really Scary 2015" blog tour. So far, I have THREE willing participants who will be joining me on this little jaunt around the cyberverse. Sure, it might be a short jaunt, but every journey starts with a single

Last, I might actually be having an "action figure" of me being made. I will (if all goes well) be holding a copy of my book DEAD: The Ugly Beginning. That might make a fun prize. Hmm...we shall see.


  1. ooooooooooooo i want to win the action figure
    cant wait to see the new page

  2. Lots of cool stuff going on! Excited for you! :-)
