Sunday, October 30, 2016

Review: Married with Zombies

Married with Zombies Married with Zombies by Jesse Petersen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a series that had moments where I would discard all the criticisms I'd built up. Then it would come crashing down again with ANOTHER moment that had me wondering what I'd done by ordering a few of these at one time. I am not one of those people who buys a book and then returns it to get my money/credit back. I made the commitment, and sometimes, you can bite the bullet.

So, here were the issues I had. The very first zombie encounter for Jesse and her husband happens in the marriage therapy office. They walk in to discover the therapist chowing down on the couple that had the appointment before theirs. does that happen? Two people just sit around in a room and let the zombie get them? But I looked past it. Then, later in that battle between Jesse, David and the counselor zombie, she holds onto the therapist while David goes down, grabs her spiked-heel shoe from the zombie's foot, and kills the zombie. Do you see where I had issue?

Also, while there is some wit and appropriate snark in the series, sometimes it reads as a woman just angry with her man as she sat down to write the story. Not that I am any great knower of all things pertaining to the female mindset, but Jesse got to be a bit of a nuisance at times. I will move on to book 2 since I already bought it when I grabbed this one, and I will hope for improvement. Writers often get better as they trudge forward. So we shall see.

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